Laptops constitute a major asset in the tool belt of modern students and are needed in the classroom.
They provide a quick and easy way to review course material and take notes.
Despite these benefits, laptops have come under fire in most classrooms.
Many students come to class prepared to type up notes and pull up online material, only to be denied access to such a resource.
It is no rare occurrence to pay a small fortune for a laptop. Prohibiting such technology trivializes the money spent
to obtain the laptop, as well
as relegates those with slow handwriting to rushing for notes and missing information.
A common reason for treating technology like contraband is the distraction resulting from it.
When left unregulated, laptops quickly become weapons of mass distraction to the user and anyone who happens to gaze at the screen. It can be tempting to browse an endless stream of information and media when a lecture is boring.
Regardless, laptops should still be welcome in a classroom because the device is not to blame for a student’s lack of effort.
It is the student’s responsibility to pay attention to their class. If they wish to browse social media instead of focusing on a lecture, then that choice is theirs to make.
I can understand a professor’s wish to have all eyes and ears honed in on what they have to say, but much like the matter of attendance, enforcing it brings about difficulty.
At the end of the day, students will have the final say in whether or not they will pay attention.
While it isn’t my cup of tea to use technology during class, I can understand the help it provides to students who can responsibly use and take advantage of it.
I implore professors to take a second thought and allow laptops to be used in their classrooms.