Students and faculty have voiced concerns this semester about getting wrong textbooks or incomplete orders from the ULM bookstore.
“The ULM bookstore was unaware that a book was required for my English class. I had to order the book on Amazon,” said Amanda Scott, a freshman biology major from Delhi La..
According to Rick Guerrero, the general manager of the ULM bookstore, one problem could be ‘custom printing’, which means the books take extra time to be shipped. Sometimes specific textbooks are out of stock at the ULM bookstore or the publishing company.
“In one case, the books ordered for a class were the wrong ones and were pulled off the shelf,” Guerrero said. “It is possible that students bought the incorrect ones before they could be pulled.”
Most times, Guerrero said, the problem with textbooks is beyond the store’s control. Many times professors order their books late or after classes have started.
Sometimes, not enough books are ordered, and there are more students than books.
Guerrero said the bookstore is willing to work with students and faculty to fix the situation.