Karen Carter Peterson, Louisiana State Senator and Chairwoman of the Louisiana Democratic Party, spoke to a group of students Wednesday about being informed on political issues and getting involved with the political process.
Peterson talked mainly about what pertains to politics today and the democratic viewpoint as opposed to the republican viewpoint. A majority of the topics discussed involved Louisiana state politics, such as state health care policies and Obamacare, budget cuts for higher education and tobacco taxes.
“When I go around I learn, like I learned today, that some of the facts are skewed and people don’t understand. For example, to learn that somebody actually believed that the president doesn’t pay taxes, and then to say ‘Look, yes, the president does pay taxes’ so there are all these misnomers out there and it’s an opportunity to go out and clarify things,” said Peterson.
Peterson also said that her main reason for traveling to college campuses is to encourage young people to become informed, get involved in the electoral process and to make sure their voices are heard.
Joshua Stockley, a political science professor, said he organized the event because it is important for students to meet political leaders.
“Senator Karen Carter Peterson is a significant political leader,” said Stockley. “Any time I can have public officials come to campus, I am always excited because students get to meet who is making the decisions for them”.
After talking, Peterson opened up the floor for questions, which allowed for students to voice their own opinions and ask the senator what she thought. One student who spoke up during this time was Haley Painter, a master of education student.
Painter thought the senator did a good job of bringing up both the Democratic and Republican views of the issues talked about and emphasizing the need to getting involved in politics.
“She was really pushing for being informed and knowing the facts,” said Painter. “She really was trying to push people to be more involved; to go out and vote and register to vote.”