Gun control is people control. Period.
People who say they want to put more regulations on gun ownership actually want more regulations on gun owners.
At the risk of sounding like Charelton Heston, if you outlaw 30-round clips, only outlaws will have 30-round clips.
Why do I need a clip that holds 30 rounds? Do you have any idea how time consuming and annoying it is to have to reload a seven round clip after you empty it?
I suppose I could just buy multiple clips, but that doesn’t seem very productive.
If I honestly thought that making these absurd, unconstitutional laws would help curtail the number of shootings taking place, I would be all for it. But the facts aren’t there. The statistics aren’t there. And frankly, the common sense isn’t there either.
We all should know the language of the Second Amendment by now. But what I’m going to clarify is that it applies to everyone under the 14th Amendment, and it is specifically about people owning arms commonly used in their time. Whether it be muskets, AR-15’s or a light saber—the latter being an elegant weapon for a more civilized age—the constitution recognizes the rights of the people to protect themselves.
I don’t see what damage someone simply having a tank does. It’s when you get someone with the skill to use a tank, a motive to cause destruction, and a pocket book to support all of that, that you have a problem.
I, personally, would love to have a tank. And you would too, whether you want to admit it or not.
The thing is that gun violence isn’t going anywhere any time soon. And adding regulations that prevent people with a prescription for Zoloft from owning a gun isn’t going to help.
You really want to stop gun violence in America? Then do something about poverty and education.
And I’m not talking to our elected officials. I’m talking to you.
You want the government to step in and do something? How about you step up and do your duty to humanity.
Stop complaining about violence in the streets whenever you have the daily opportunity to get involved with your brothers and sisters in humanity and change a life.
The problem won’t solve itself. The solution is simple. It’s you…and me too.