Will you be the next victim of an assault? According to womenshealth.gov, college women are being sexually assaulted everyday.
On small campuses like ULM, one out of four college women are likely to be victims of a sexual assault. Close to 80 percent of sexual assaults are committed by the acquaintance of the victim, according to Sarah Lawrence College.
Most sexual assaults occur in parking lots or places where very few people are around. But what do criminals look for in a woman before they target her?
They look for women who are distracted and not paying attention to their surroundings. For instance, they go for women who are walking by themselves while talking on the phone.
Ashley Bankston, a senior pre-pharmacy major said, “When I leave the library late at night, I am usually by myself. I never really pay attention to my surroundings. I never really take in consideration that I could be a victim of a sexual assault.”
What steps can college women take to lower their chances of being a victim of a sexual assault? One main step is taking a self-defense class.
ULM offers a self-defense class for its students that can be taken in the spring semester.
Joseph Hixon teaches the self-defense class for students.
“The goal is for the student to learn that being proactive is the most important aspect of self-defense,” Hixon said. “When there is a conflict or a fight, the student needs to create space, armed or unarmed, the student must understand that they must fight back until the last breath with no exceptions.”
For women who can’t afford to take a self-defense class, there are other precautionary steps that can be taken.
“I always check my surroundings when I leave the library,” said Ellen Nicholson, a junior accounting major. “I always carry mace in my purse. When I do go somewhere, I usually have a friend or my boyfriend with me that way I am never alone.”
“Women need to know their surroundings,” Hixon said.
They need to stay in places where there are a lot of people.
In case of emergency, call the police. They will be there to help you in an emergency situation.
Police officer Jerry Spencer teaches a seperate class for eight weeks in the spring semester.
That class costs $99 and is a part of ULM’s continuing education program.
Cebus • Feb 19, 2013 at 11:10 am
What sort of credentials are required to teach self-defense on a collegiate level?
Dan Chasen was teaching before he was placed on leave, but as far as I am aware he has no formal martial arts experience beyond ppct (pressure point training).
As for Joseph Hixon, this article doesn’t give any information on what his credentials as a self-defense expert might be.
This is problematic, because if you begin teaching young women aggressive self-defense tactics that do not work, they will acquire a false sense of confidence and potentially expose themselves to danger unnecessarily.
self-defense • Feb 6, 2013 at 6:06 am
The Gracie Gym Women’s Program combines a absolute protection class with accent on drills that simulate astute advance and escape situations.
Monnisa Lewis • Feb 6, 2013 at 4:43 am
Way to go!!
Carolyn Dartlon • Feb 4, 2013 at 5:04 pm
Very good article, every student should read
Tiffany H. • Feb 4, 2013 at 1:47 pm
Excellent article. Very informative