Well it’s the end of another school year. For some of us we get to start the process all over again in August, but for others like me, this is it.
The past four years have gone by in a blur while at the same time dragging on. They have been years full of adventure, boredom, excitement, disappointment, happiness and heartbreak.
When all is said and done, I think I can say I’ve made the most of my time here at ULM. While I had a good ride, there are some graduating seniors who cannot say the same, so here’s a few “nuggets of wisdom,” some reflections on my college experience that hopefully can help you for the rest of your time here.
First of all, get involved on campus. I don’t care if it’s with a fraternity, sorority, CAB, SGA, religious organization or the Harry Potter Society, find somewhere on campus and get plugged in.
You are only going to get as much out of your college experience as you put into it. College can be a great time to make new friends and have new experiences, but that will never happen if you sit in your dorm room and play video games by yourself all day.
Along that note, get a life and stop studying every waking hour. I know that the test you have in two weeks is important, but you will soon find there is more to life than sitting in the library every night and weekend.
Another important part of having the best time you can at here at ULM is to have school spirit. I know that we may not be the biggest or best school in the state, but you should pride yourself on how great our school is for its size.
Go to all of the sports events, not just the football games. Go crazy for your team, paint your face, dress up in a crazy costume and for the love of all that is good in this world, stop wearing LSU gear around campus.
You go to ULM, not LSU, so show your love to where you go, not where you wish you did. If you love LSU that much, just go ahead and transfer.
One last thing that can make your time here at ULM is to pursue what you love. I know your counselor at school told you what major to take that would have the best job prospects, but you need to forget that.
You may get excited for that first paycheck, but in 20 years when you’re miserable and hate going to work every day, what good is that paycheck going to do?
For the most part whatever you study in college is going to be what you do for the rest of your life, so pick something that you love and can be passionate about and then the money won’t matter.
As much as I despise with a great passion the phrase “YOLO,” it is true, you do only live once, but to end my time here at ULM I think I will resort to a quote from the poet Horace, “Carpe Diem.”
Seize the day. Make the most of every day you have here, because after four years the real world comes, knocks on your door and takes you away.