SGA senators entered emergency legislation to pass three motions during last week’s Sep 9 meeting.
Senator Cody Parker moved for emergency legislation and was seconded by senator Devonte Grinstead.
The first of the three motions concerned prize money for the SGA’s miniature float contest. The amounts proposed were $100 for first, $50 for second and $25 for third.
“The float contest is really fun and lets students get creative,” President Adrian LeJeune said.
The motion passed unanimously.
The second piece of emergency legislation allowed the purchase of an ad from Victoria Eymard for the Miss ULM pageant.
Senator Rino Nicholas motioned to purchase a full page ad, costing $125.
“With a full page ad, we can split it up into two halves, one supporting Victoria and the other half as an ad for SGA,” Advisor Laura Knotts said.
The motion passed with one vote abstaining and 22 votes for the motion.
The third piece of emergency legislation moved to purchase a dry-erase board costing approximately $250.
“We borrowed it last time, but we want to do this every other week and we don’t want to damage one that we borrowed,” Knotts said.
The motion passed unanimously.
All three motions totaled $550.