Cabaret received a well deserved standing ovation Saturday night, as it is one of the best productions that have come out of the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA). Jeffery Cass, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, shined well as the Emcee character of the play. From plot to performance this production was a hit. Elizabeth Bennett, a senior music performance major and native to Monroe, played the lead female role, Sally, and captivated everyone with her smoothness of voice and dazzling dancing.
The play was filled with many Nazi political references throughout the play. The performers did a good job in reflecting how people of Germany, leading up to World War II, could have blindly supported the Holocaust. Once in the play Sally even said, “It’s only politics. What’s it got to do with us?”
The dancing invoked intimate attention to every aspect of the play. The dancers along with the well executed songs definitely helped shape the main scene of the play, the Kit Kat Klub, a fairy tale view of the world, a cabaret. The Emcee’s line said it best, “In here, life is beautiful.” However, in reality their world was burning. Bravo to the actors, singers, and dancers of Cabaret to a job well done.