This Wednesday the main entry room above the sub was abuzz with the energy a that could only mean one thing: a fashion show.
The wooden catwalk lead to the center of the room,where the judges table was waiting. There were huge projector screens ready to pump information to the standing room only audience.
The annual Career Connections Fashion Show was put on by the Office of Career Connections.
Zachary Jones, freshman biology major agrees with style of clothing being worn on the runway.
“I believe attire is a major important factor in getting a job. It’s a first impression thing and if its not done well you may not get a job,” Jones said.
Informing students what attire is appropriate for every business event which in today’s casual office atmosphere, which can sometimes be difficult to decipher.
Roslyn Pogue director of the Office of Career Connections understands this plight.
“When I viewing the students for their wear[for the show], I was always having to look up on the Google to see if this is now stylish today. There are a lot of cute outfits that could be considered modern business casual”, Pouge said, “but I would say, for my own safety reasons, I would still try to stay classic as you can. Most businesses are still looking for that classic corporate style.”
First up was the career fair.
While most people believe the interview gives the main first impression. Career fairs or that initial meet and greet can have more effect on your chance of gettinga job.
According to statics, most people form their impression after only two seconds. Slacks for both men and women are essential. Button ups and ties for the men give the best impressions. A nice blouse tucked in or a simple clean lined dress keep it professional for the ladies.
When preparing for the interview and once you land your dream job, think full on businesses classic. Suits or dresses are imperative for the ladies. Sedate is the word to think of when dressing for an interview.
The ladies showed bold pops pared with clean lines. The guys were all wearing three piece suits that fit properly.
Once you get to the office, more accessories and color variations of those can be used depending on the office dress code. .
If students are lucky enough to have a casual Friday, remember this is still a working environment. Keep the jeans and short skirts at home.
Any student needing help or information for the work force, fashion or otherwise, can contact the ULM Career Connections on the third floor of the Library.