Geena Nellis is a year-three pharmacy student with a lot of papers to print. But this year she’s been running out of her share of copies a little too quickly.
“I probably print close to the max every week. It’s been more this week and last week though because of all the syllabi I’ve had to print,” said Nellis, who didn’t have enough prints last week to cover all the materials necessary for her “P3” classes.
All returning students have probably noticed the new print system in the library, but what may have gone unnoticed is that it’s charging differently.
A double-sided printed page cost 1 “print” with the old print system. This year students are being charged 1.5 prints for the same thing.
Last year, being able to print 150 pages front-and-back for 1 print each meant that students could get 300 pages of text for their school materials, or 150 physical sheets. Now, they can only print 100 double-sided pages, which equals 200 pages worth of text.

In short, students have lost 50 double-sided prints, or 100 pages worth of text.
Nellis says that those are 50 pages that she really needs.
“When you have 2-3 classes, 2-3 times a week, with 75+ slides in each presentation, you need as many pages as you can get,” Nellis said.
Currently, there is no way for students to pay for any more pages through the ULM Printers once they run out.
Nellis attended the regular Student Government Association meeting last Tuesday to appeal to senators and ask if there is anything they can do to help fix the problem.
SGA senators and pharmacy students discussed the possiblity of students being able to add money as needed to their account and pay a set rate for their extra prints.
Rino Nicholas, a year-three pharmacy student, spoke for his peers when he said that there was a panic over the lost pages.
“That first week of school we were out of prints by Tuesday, which was awful. We usually make it to Wednesday, at least,” Nicholas said.
It is unsure who should be contacted to try to solve the problem, but Laura Jennings said she’s going to get to the bottom of it.
“I’m going to have to dig further into it and figure out where the decision came from, why it came into play and then what we can do about it,” said Jennings, SGA advisor.
The current balance of the SGA budget is $69, 516.67.