The student government will host a week in which registered student organizations (RSOs) will compete to raise the most charitable goods September 21-25.
The charity week will be part of a larger University of Louisiana system initiative to raise awareness and funds.
Each University of Louisiana system school is to pick a charity and then raise items for that specific charity as a school for 1 week.
“Northwestern, McNeese, Louisiana Tech—they’re all in on this,” said Marc Calhoun, SGA president.
SGA senators were given several choices of charities to choose from and voted unanimously to support the animal shelters of the Monroe area.
Calhouon said he supported this decision because he believes it will distinguish ULM from other schools.
“This is something different,” said Calhoun. “Schools all across Louisiana are doing this, and we don’t all want to collect coke tabs.”
The senate said items needed by animal shelters can be costly, so they proposed to make it a competition between RSO’s that will be based on a point system.
“The animal shelter asked for things like dog food, dog care products and blankets,” said Chis Adkins, SGA vice president. “Obviously, a blanket is going to be more expensive than a can of dog food, so it would be worth more points.”
Laura Jennings said a list of needed items will be released to RSO’s later.
“They [the shelter] have a constant wish list going, so we can check that out and see what they’re in need of most,” said Jennings, SGA advisor.
The RSO that earns the most points over the course of the week will receive a speial prize. The winner will be announced closer to the supply-raising week.
SGA’s budget is $69, 470.71.