More is sometimes less
Gas prices are getting lower, so maybe now drivers may be considering trying premium gas. Well, not so fast– don’t go trying it just yet.
Premium gasoline doesn’t necessarily make an engine run more efficiently. Most gas prices that are advertised refer to the unleaded gasoline that is rated at eighty-seven octane. This means it is the cheapest gas offered at the station.
Some people see the other numbers and don’t give them a thought because of higher prices. While most manufacturers recommend the unleaded gasoline, some vehicles should be using the higher octane fuel.
The number representing the octane of the fuel means how likely the gas is to ignite under pressure. The higher the number, the more likely it will ignite.
That higher number may sound enticing, but it isn’t efficient for all engines.
Oppositelock automotive expert Bozi Tatarevic, explained why using a higher octane could be bad for an engine.
“In a normal scenario, fuel is sprayed into an engine and only ignites when the spark plug lights up and therefore causes proper movement for the engine. In a pre-ignition or knock condition, the fuel ignites before a spark plug lights up and causes the engine to run less efficiently or to get damaged,” Bozi said.
Using the higher octane in a car not properly tuned for it could cause that knock condition, damaging the car’s engine.