Voters passed three out of six proposed amendments to the Louisiana Constitution on Election Day Tuesday. e results are below.
The second amendment, if passed, would have directly affected students by changing who controls the price of tuition and other fees.
The second amendment would have allowed public higher education management boards to oversee tuition changes instead of the changes having to be made through state legislature.
Because the amendment did not pass, Louisiana is still one of only two states that allow legislature to control tuition and fees.
Tuition prices have almost doubled since 2007 under the eyes of Louisiana Legislature.
Joshua Stockley, a political science professor,said that he was disappointed to see Amendment Two fail because it would have given Louisiana colleges and universities more autonomy.
“There is too much micro-management in our affairs by the state legislature,” Stockley said.
He added that most people probably voted to reject the amendment because they “feared it would trigger automatic tuition increases.” However, he said this would not have been the case.