Less straws, more problems

Last week marked the final straw for Schulze’s Cafeteria. The on-campus cafeteria owned by Aramark has done away with straws in a move to go green.

ULM students thought nothing much of there not being straws at the cafeteria halfway through the week. Many students thought Schulze had simply run out and soon enough would have an abundant supply of straws for their use.

Thursday, students at the cafeteria were left wondering what happened to their precious straws.

April Bias, a baker at Schulze said, “As of yesterday (Wednesday) Aramark has gone green; We are no longer using straws.”

Bias noted students continued asking for straws, and the transition would be hard on some of them, but Aramark was committed to going green.

Upon further investigation, it was revealed the cafeteria would no longer be providing straws to students. The move to go green was sudden and without warning.

The Hawkeye first broke the news on the widely used Student2Student@ULM Facebook group page. While some rejoiced at the news, others were angered by the sudden choice made by Schulze.

Many students were quick to make their outrage known, while others poked fun at their peers’ frustration.

“I’m at my wit’s end as to how I’ll make it through college without the luxury of straws,” joked Colby Benson, a freshman pre-pharmacy major.

Not everyone saw the humor in the loss of straws. Many saw it as a move to save money rather than to save the environment made by Aramark.

“If they really want to go green, they could transition to biodegradable to-go containers as well, but in the end, this is just a cutting cost thing,” said Amanda Liberty, a senior psychology major.

The cleanliness of the cups provided by Schulze for students to drink out of was called into question by many of those hesitant to begin drinking without straws. Other students who’ve already made the choice to give up straws were quick to prove to them life without straws isn’t very difficult.

“I’ve been going without a straw in the cafeteria for a year now, and I haven’t died from those cups yet” exclaimed James Hollowell, a senior medical laboratory science major.

A widely questioned topic that stemmed from the straw discussion was that of people with disabilities and whether or not they could have straws available for them to comfortably drink from.

Suggestions for straws to be made available to those in need were made. By Friday, Schulze once again had a box of straws on one side of their establishment. Unfortunately, by Saturday morning, the straws had run out.

According to the workers of Schulze Cafeteria, they will make attempts to have straws readily available for those in need but will continue to honor Aramark’s decision to do away with straws and hope students grow accustomed to the idea of going green.