Hard liquor banned at frat houses

Some ULM fraternities have a couple less drinks in their pantry after a recent ruling by the North-American Interfraternity Conference voted to ban hard liquor in the fraternity houses.

The ban on hard liquor is nationwide. Three ULM fraternities are affected by the ban. Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha Order and the returning Kappa Sigma fraternity will not be allowed to store beverages with more than 15 percent alcohol content.

The Interfraternity Council, known as IFC, has to enforce these news laws.

Matt Ingram, IFC president, said the ruling was recently decided on by the council over all IFC fraternities. The ban even includes fraternities in Canada as well.

While the news came as a shock to many fraternity members on campus, it was met with a solid understanding of the consequences of alcohol abuse usually seen by college students, especially members of Greek Life.

“We all understand the need for regulation considering recent events in the fraternity world,” Ingram said, regarding a recent death of a LSU student that involved alcohol.

“We all want to continue to survive and thrive, so we plan on upholding whatever the governing bodies see necessary,” Ingram added.

Although not sure about how the ruling would be enforced, Ingram states that it’ll most likely be enforced through each fraternity’s national headquarters, as well as through the IFC councils and executive boards of each chapter.

Ingram stated the importance of trust and cooperation between the chapter members and those in charge.

“I believe that IFC fraternities now, especially on ULM’s campus, are more apt to working with the governing bodies to ensure proper functionality,” Ingram said.

Although he agrees with Ingram senior psychology major Tyler Gunn says fraternities on campus will disagree with the new guidelines in the beginning since it symbolizes a change in order.

“Greek life has long been labeled with the negative stereotype of being just organized partying,” Gunn said.

Gunn says he knows the stereotype of Greeks can change based on how members react to the new ruling.

“Greeks have continually played a strong part of philanthropic efforts in our local communities as well as nationally,” Gunn said.

According to the original press release by the North-American Inter fraternity Conference, fraternities have until September 1, 2019 to update their policies to include the new ban.