New BCM building opens up

Ashlyn Dupree, [email protected]

The Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM), finally opened their new building after years of not having one due to the demolishing of the old one.
Ree Reinhardt, the associate BCM director, shared that they calculated it’s been around 1,234 days since they had their own building before debuting their new building.
During this time of being without a base, a number of different local churches helped the BCM put on some of their events.
“The BCM has continued its ministry by having a lot of local churches pitching out and having worship at places like College Baptist Church, First Baptist at Swartz, First Baptist at Monroe, First West and a number of other places,” Reinhardt said.
Reinhardt mentioned the importance of having a home base for all ULM students to gather and hangout in together.
Monday the new building hosted its first Haven event, which is a time of musical worship and teaching from the Bible.
Ree Reinhardt said the Haven had current students, alumni, BCM staff and a lot of ministers from the area in attendance.
“We had around 147 people and we want to grow and people to take advantage of what we have to offer,” Reinhardt said.
On Wednesday, the BCM started their first of a weekly event called 12:01. The event is a lunch for students and faculty. Lunch costs one dollar for students and three for everybody else.
Not only will the BCM have these two events but also many others. The BCM has special events that go along with what is happening on campus. They’ll at football games set up tailgates or allow students to come to their new building after or before the game to play games and hangout.
Reinhardt mentioned she wanted the students to know that the BCM was here for them to meet new people and make friends.
“We, as the BCM, believe that it best to build friendships that are based on Christ,” Reinhardt said.
Raegan Wilson a junior biology major, and members of the BCM leadership team said, “Coming into college, I was scared of not finding opportunities to express my faith in the Lord on campus. The BCM has given me a home on campus, an outlet to be myself and meet other fellow believers.”
Olivia Myers, a sophomore English major and member of the BCM leadership team, commented that she had never really tried to reach out and make new friends until she joined the BCM.
“The people at the BCM helped me grow in my faith and are there for me like a real family,” Myers said.
The BCM wants students to know that whether they have been to church all their life or have never been to a church, everyone is welcome to come to the BCM.
According to Reinhardt, the organization and building serves the purpose of bringing like-minded believers together but it does not in fact offer a religious service. Instead, the BCM helps students connect with any of a large number of local churches based on the student’s needs. The BCM hosts two weekly events, Haven on Mondays and 12:01, the lunch, every Wednesday.