Dawson wins national award
January 20, 2019
Katie Dawson, interim director of ULM Online, was nominated and awarded the 2018 Post Secondary Teacher of the Year Award for Region eight.
In a press release by ULM, Eric Pani, the vice president of academic affairs, commented on Dawson’s award, saying, “Katie Dawson’s commitment to online learning has made her one of our state’s leaders in distance education. She has worked with ULM Online since its inception and was involved in online learning before that…As interim director of ULM Online, her performance has reached an even higher level of achievement, and her influence in making online learning better has expanded.”
“I feel she has earned this award and want to congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition,” Pani said.
Dawson and all who work for online learning are striving to adapt and cater to the needs of nontraditional students and are dedicated to helping those with challenging circumstances receive a college degree.
Dawson said she is proud of the things ULM does and the students it serves.
“Most of our online students are adults.
They didn’t have the chance to finish college at a traditional age. They’ve had some college or maybe they didn’t even get to start, and they’re coming back. It’s super fulfilling to help someone get something that’s going to make a difference in their lives,” Dawson said.
Dawson was nominated by James Boldin, an associate professor of music, at ULM. She was presented with a certificate in Nov. 2018 at the Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators yearly conference in downtown New Orleans.
Dawson has been a faculty member of ULM for almost 10 years, but has had a hand in ULM online education since 2013. She came to ULM from Western Kentucky University and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in corporate/organization communication as well as a Master of Arts degree in communication.
“I nominated Ms. Dawson for the Louisiana Post Secondary Teacher of the Year award, because she has been a driving force in developing and expanding online education at the University of Louisiana Monroe. In her role as interim director, she coordinates and leads a diverse group of faculty in a variety of disciplines,” Boldin said.
Boldin said Dawson’s “enthusiasm and innovative ideas” set a “wonderful example for our faculty and students.”
He had not heard from other faculty before his decision to nominate her, but he is “sure they would concur.”
This level of achievement doesn’t just show that Katie Dawson is a dedicated faculty member. It also reflects the growing trend of ULM being recognized for its students, faculty and staff.
“It shows that while ULM has already earned several accolades, we continue to strive every day to be the best university we can be,” Boldin said.