Beesley knocks it out of park

Nate Nasworthy,

Junior outfielder Andrew Beesley steps up to home plate. The pitcher winds up and hurls the ball toward the plate. Sweat drips from Beesley’s brow. With his eyes on the ball, Beesley loads up and swings with all of his might. The bat connects. That’s a home run for one of the Sun Belt Conference Players of the Week.

Beesley grew up in Natchez, Mississippi, and hoped to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His grandfather was fortunate enough to play baseball at Mississippi State while his father played for Delta State.

Athletics came naturally for Beesley. He played football and baseball in high school, but size would be the biggest deciding factor on which sport to focus on.

“I was a pretty good football player for a high school team, but I never would have been able to play in college with my size,” Beesley said.

The pressure was always on Beesley in high school. His father was his baseball coach. But his mom was his harshest critic.

“She’s competitive,” Beesley said. “She’ll be at every game and she’s always on me about getting better. It’s all in good nature though. She just wants me to do the best I can.”

Beesley decided to take the junior college route coming out of high school. He ended up at Hinds Community College where he was a standout star on the baseball team.

After his time at Hinds was up, Beesley made his way to Monroe and was forced into a transition from being the big fish in a little pond to just a fish in a pond.

“Back at Hinds, we had quality players, but you have more of them here, so every day you have to compete. In junior college, you have one guy that’s just the dude. Here, everybody is that guy,” Beesley said.

But Beesley quickly made a name for himself. In April, Beesley was named Sun Belt Conference Player of the Week for April 1 to April 7.

“It was a great feeling. That’s a big honor  and being the first one this year, it’s just a huge honor and I’m really proud of it,” Beesley said.

Beesley is averaging .364 at the plate with 56 hits, 27 RBIs and three home runs. Beesley has started all 41 games.

However, just like the rest of us, Beesley enjoys his time alone and away from the pressure. During that time, you can usually find him outdoors hunting or fishing.

“I love being outside, just being in the woods. It’s kind of peaceful,” Beesley said.

Beesley is most proud of the nine-point, 151-inch buck that he killed his sophomore year of high school. However, he has a hard time convincing people about his prize fish.

“You’re not going to believe this, but I caught a 13-pound bass when I was 12 years old. Yeah, it was big,” Beesley said.

Beesley wants to follow in the footsteps of his family by coaching baseball       and teaching.

“It’s all I’ve ever known. I want to make an impact on kid’s lives. Keep the game going in the right direction,” Beesley said.

No doubt about it-Beesley has kept the legacy alive and is going in the             right direction.