Firing employees based on their social media

Many ULM student organizations are strict on their members about what they choose to post on their social media accounts such as Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook.
Several organizations kick out their members if they post certain pictures or videos they do not approve of.
Particular organizations demand that their members cannot post pictures or videos that involve them consuming alcohol or partying.
But what the leaders of these organizations do not understand is that the members are still college students.
All students should enjoy their time in college regardless of what organization they choose to partake in.
They should not have to walk on egg shells around their organization, their advisors or officers about what they do in their free time especially if they are the legal age to drink.
Most members will have fun and party, but they have to keep it secretive. Instead of enjoying their night of fun with their friends, they have to worry about avoiding pictures or videos that their organization may not approve of.
I understand why organizations, their advisors and officers ask their members to not post pictures of partying and drinking on their social media.
I still believe that students should have the freedom and ability to enjoy their fun times even though they choose to be in particular organizations.
Organizations should understand that the students who choose to be members are not going to center their world around it.
They still have lives outside of school and their extracurriculars.
If a student is of the legal drinking age, they should not have to face getting kicked out of the organization they are involved in.
Of course, members who really enjoy in their organization will follow these rules, but it is ridiculous for students to add this to their list of things to stress about.
Not only do student organizations judge students off of their social media accounts, but even particular jobs or colleges do as well. Social media accounts are a way for companies to “get to know” the people they may be interviewing for future jobs.
For example, according to a report by The New York Times, “31 percent of 381 college admissions officers who participated in a Kaplan telephone questionnaire admitted to looking at an applicant’s Facebook or other personal social media page in an effort to learn more about them.”
I believe a social media account has nothing to do with someone’s work ethic or personality over all.
No one can be judged by the pictures their friends may tag them in drinking on the weekends. Once again, if the person is doing their job correctly and keeping their priorities straight then why should they be fired for what they do on their free time.
As long as they are not doing anything illegal, there is nothing wrong with having a drink after work and posting a picture with your friends.
As long as the partying and drinking does not affect the members involvement in the organization or an eomployee’s ability to do his or her job, it should not cause an issue.
Of course, they should not post drugs or anything illegal, but they should be able to post a picture holding a glass of wine or beer and enjoying a Friday night with their friends.
Base someone off his or her work ethic not his or her social media account.