Counseling Center offers telecounseling

With classes starting back, students feel the anxiety of assignments, tests and COVID-19 precautions. These overwhelming emotions may lead students to consider using ULM’s Counseling Center.

The Counseling Center is here to assist students in succeeding and help students “remember they are not alone,” according to Kim Storm, a counselor at the center.

But the Counseling Center will not be offering face-to-face sessions this semester. Instead, it is providing Zoom or telephone sessions.

Storm said students can fill out paperwork for an online session through the Counseling Center’s website. They’re following guidelines provided by the American College Health Association to protect those using its services.

One student, Sonya Maksimenkova, said before COVID-19, she was excited to attend her sessions with her counselor. She said her and her counselor instantly connected.

“My appointment, when it was face-to-face, used to get me out of bed each week,” Maksimenkova said.

Now, Maksimenkova misses the face-to-face sessions she had. The sophomore computer science major said she understood the necessary changes to telecounseling, but she found it more beneficial in person.

Storm said the transition from face-to-face to online was an “adjustment” for her.

However, both Maksimenkova and Storm agreed to take advantage of the services offered by the Counseling Center.

“The quality of our Counseling Center is absolutely amazing. They are here for us especially in times like this one,” Maksimenkova said.