Repertory Ensemble amazes with Fall Fusion
November 21, 2022
Passionate songs and emotional
choreography united at Brown
Auditorium on Friday when ULM’s
School of Visual and Performing
Arts hosted its Fall Fusion Dance
Using their bodies and motions
for storytelling, members of the
ULM Dance Repertory Ensemble
mesmerized the audience with
each part of the program.

The first performance, “42”, had
dancers dressed in delicate, white
clothing. The performers appeared
distraught with faces frowned and
grimaced. The music matched the
mood of the performance with depressing
yet powerful melodies
from Mumford & Sons.
Toward the end, frowns turned to
hopeful smiles and the background
music began to swell. The performers
finished with backs facing the
audience, standing tall and feet
planted firmly on the stage, presenting
a clear sense of confidence.
The Latin-inspired “Tango Llorón”
caught many in the audience off
guard. What began as a slow, seductive
tango quickly turned into
a fast and loud collection of music
and dance. The stage lights
accented the change in mood by
going from dull and dim to bright
and flashing. Maria and Gabriela
Picón Barrios created the choreography
for this piece, Gabriela being
a member of the ensemble.
The dream-like “derealization”
began with the sounds of rainfall
while a dancer entered the stage.
Seemingly distressed, she frantically
leaped around as another dancer
entered. The two appeared to be
mirroring each other at times, both
moving with sudden, jarring movements.
An attempted phone call could be
heard in the background throughout
the second half of the piece. It
ended with one dancer on the floor,
beaten and clinging to life while the
other towered over, victorious in
her motives not completely understood
by the audience. Many in the
audience were taken aback by the
drama in the dance.
Anna Pitney, a senior nursing major,
expressed her amazement after
the show.
“The piece that surprised me the
most was the one called ‘derealization’,”
Pitney said. “You could tell
that each movement of the dancers
was intertwined with each second
of the music.”
The final piece, “A Tribute to the
Women of Soul”, was a collection
of smaller, yet intense pieces performed
by various members of the
dance ensemble.
To begin, Jada Owens danced to
“At Last” by Etta James. Dressed
in shades of blue, Owens had audience
members in a trance with
her slow and smooth movements.
The romantic singing of Etta James
paired well with Owens’ display
of affection, such as a hand running
across her leg or a palm on her
Following were Gabriela Picón
Barrios and Victoria Sanchez. The
two danced a tap routine to Aretha
Franklin’s “Respect”. The duo
moved and tapped with forceful,
confident steps. Franklin roaring
out about a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T
helped to empower these women
as they performed.
Sanchez, a senior criminal justice
major, opened up about her
experience with dancing both professionally
and personally.
“I’ve been dancing for 17 years of
my life, so that kind of came naturally
to me,” Sanchez said. “But as I
got older, I started being able to understand
my emotions and apply
that to my dancing.”
The final piece brought the entire
ensemble together to dance with
somebody, more specifically each
other. Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna
Dance With Somebody” had
everyone in the audience excited
and grooving in their seats. Sophomore
secondary education major
Anna Blanchard enjoyed each performance.
“I was surprised at how good they
were at being in sync and the way
they could move,” Blanchard said.
The performers were all smiles
at the end. The auditorium roared
with cheers as the ensemble took
its bow.
The ULM Dance Repertory Ensemble
not only entertained with
thought-provoking choreography,
but it also provided a loving
homage to women of soul. With
powerful dance and music, it’s no
wonder everyone was standing as
the ensemble stood in unison to
close the show.