The Campus Activities Board, CAB, is extending an invitation to students to come and enjoy ULM’s Got Talent.
The talent has already been selected, with a preliminary tryout already out of the way. This year’s show will consist of nine singers, three dancers and a jump rope act. Nathan Hall, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Leadership, said this event is always exciting.
“You just never know what people are going to do to try and win,” said Hall.
This year’s competition level is high because the stakes are grand, with the winner of the competition receiving an Apple iPad. Hall also added that students should come so that they can see the talent students at ULM have. The show is set for March 21, and will begin at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Building ballroom.
James • Sep 13, 2011 at 4:22 pm
It would be cool if we were offered some other talents instead of just singing and dancing…and jump rope (?). What about stand up? Or maybe lawn mower cabbage tossing? That’s something that will draw a crowd!