Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), a tabletop role-playing game, first debuted in 1974. The game faced scrutiny in its early years and maintained a niche following for some time. However, its popularity has surged in recent years, with millions now tuning in online each week to watch D&D shows featuring elaborate stories and dynamic character arcs.
One of the most notable D&D shows is Critical Role, a series led by a group of voice actors, including Matthew Mercer, Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, Liam O’Brien, and Taliesin Jaffe. The show has gained significant attention, with episodes on YouTube garnering millions of views. Fans, known as “Critters,” follow the actors as they navigate three interconnected campaigns, enhanced by immersive storytelling and acting.
The success of Critical Role led to a partnership with Amazon Prime, resulting in an animated adaptation of their first and second campaigns titled The Legend of Vox Machina. Currently, two seasons are available on Prime, with a third in production. An animated series for the second campaign is also in development, with storyboarding underway.
Another notable show is Natural Six, featuring a cast of voice actors, actors, and online personalities, including Harry McEntire, Ben Starr, Hollie Bennett, Aoife Wilson, Alex Jordan, and Doug Cockle. The series, which has over 20 episodes, blends serious story moments with lighthearted and comedic segments. The team is currently hosting a Kickstarter to fund future episodes.
Legends of Avantris is a campaign known for its comedic approach. The players—Mikey, Richie, Nikkie, Andy, Derek, Kelsey, and Mace—focus on humor, creating eccentric characters and lighthearted plots. The campaign offers a change of pace from the heavier themes often found in D&D shows.
These shows highlight the growing appeal of D&D, both as a game and a form of entertainment. For those interested in exploring the genre, these series offer a variety of storytelling styles and themes.