Valentine’s Day is more than an excuse for a date and a romantic night. It is a celebration, not only of your relationship but of your partner.
My experience in a healthy relationship after a toxic partner helped me understand the importance of not only expressing my love for my partner but being proud of it.
Below is a list of things you can do, publicly or privately, to ensure your partner knows you appreciate them. You can even show this list to them—it takes two for most things.
The little things matter. Is your partner craving their favorite drink? Pick it up on your way back from class. Eyeing a specific candy at the store? Buy it. Complaining about a bad class? Lend an ear. People often understate the comfort of consistency. Remember, it’s not the item itself but the act of remembering and caring.
Do you know your love language? Would you rather spend the evening cuddled up with your partner, or go on a cute date? Is a compliment taken better than a gift? Take note of your partner’s love language and incorporate it into your day-to-day life. People express love in different ways.
Show off your partner’s accomplishments. Earned an A on a difficult exam? Received a raise at work? Won an award? Shout it from the rooftops (or the seventh floor of the library). Take pride in your partner’s work. Embarrass them with how much you care, because it shows that you do!
Do not take relationship advice from random people you do not know. This columnist does not know your relationship. A Quora article with 5,000 replies does not know your relationship. Everyone is different—the same applies to relationships. Picking fights over improbable scenarios because of a stranger’s advice only harms you. Do what you know works. Ignore this entire spiel if you so wish—which seems ironic, given the column.
Love is one of the most differing and complex emotions. Take care of your relationships and, more importantly, yourself.