What exactly does creativity mean?
Are reality TV shows taking over? Pay-per-view consists of the newest episodes of “Jersey Shore” and shows like “Entertainment Tonight.” What happened to our favorite old flicks that we grew up loving? Creative flicks included original ideas that were hard to match up with. Nowadays, it feels as if it’s all about the harsh reality of things.
It seems like people always are focused on the wrong thing whenever they tune in to watch a program. Reality shows include drama and real life people with issues that are seen daily. Modern-day media flock at the chance to see what our famous stars are up to. MTV’s “Teen Mom” has become a big hit in the past year. Why so? Because it is a modern-day issue and people love to see the personal lives of others broadcasted. Typically, we are nosy people. We yearn to seek out the negative things that we live in today. Is this good for the future of our world and media as we now know it?
Are there still creative people out there? Movies and news stories that are original still fill up our modernday publications. In fact, it might be something that we have to look a little harder to find, but looking just might be worth it. Shows that are scripted in a creative way are always interesting to watch, whereas reality shows you will always know what to expect. Creative shows and media are always a great way to escape from the harsh realities we live in today. People love to see the positive sides and think better about our world. Creativity can lead to eccentric ideas, but that is the beauty of seeing just how they turn out.
It’s personal preference on what you want to surround yourself with.