Investiture Week begins with show of bronze statues

Renowned bronze sculptor Gregory Johnson helped kick off Investiture Week Monday with selected works in Bry Hall.
The Johnson exhibit featured many sculptures created in bronze. Three categories of sculptures were on display ranging from children, sensual women and entrepreneurs.
“It was a personal choice to visit ULM during President [Nick] Bruno’s investiture as well as an opportunity to give back to young artists and the community,” Johnson said. “I believe you must give to receive.”
The sculptures varied in size, but the time taken to complete a sculpture is due to the processes and assembly involved in making each piece, not the actual size.
“Before any one piece is finished, an enormous amount of cooperation and care is put into them,” Johnson said.
“Each piece must pass through 45 different people and can take anywhere between one to three months to complete.”
A reception followed the exhibition. Students and alumni watched an interpretive dance put on by the students of the College of Visual and Performing Arts, and Bruno reflected on the importance of the investiture.
“[Investiture] is about the rich culture that is the University of Louisiana at Monroe – its students, faculty, business partners and community,” Bruno said.
Johnson also lectured Tuesday in the Emy-Lou Biedenharn Recital Hall aiming to assist students with questions and fears on becoming a successful career artist. He talked about improving young artists’ craft, refining their talents and becoming successful in the business world.