Senators discuss parking lots during weekly meeting
Student government members awarded two $500 scholarships Tuesday at their weekly meeting.
Although the scholarship for the medical science lab passed unanimously, the scholarship for the the international student organization was hotly contested.
Opponents of the bill to award the money to the international students said the speaker making the case for the internationals did not convince them the money would benefit ULM if the organization got the scholarship.
“[The speaker] spent too much time talking about what she had done for other universities. She should have been more focused on what [internationals] can bring to ULM,” said Sarah Hutcheson, a senator from the College of Health Sciences who voted against the measure.
Obviously the speaker convinced enough people because the motion passed.
Any registered student organization (RSO) can apply for an RSO scholarship from the student government.
The senators also discussed ideas for improving campus by adding more picnic tables and trash cans in places where students could use them.
Bayou Park, shady areas around the library and the Bayou Apartments were the top choices for places to add the picnic tables.
Senators said trash cans were needed near residence halls, apartment buildings and gravel parking lots.
Student parking lots were also a topic of discussion during the meeting. Senators discussed lots that needed re-painting to clearly mark where an actual spot was. No mention was made of adding new lots or additional spaces, but the current spaces are expected to be repainted.