Over the past few weeks, students were introduced to ULM’s chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) and their “Bodybind Horcrux” campaign.
Signs were posted around campus with inspirational messages to promote body image and self-confidence among students. Though some of these signs were torn down, the HPA continues to move forward with their October campaign “Magical Acts of Kindness.”
Alex Fields, a freshman biology major from Marrero, La., is part of the committee leading this movement.
“We have to come up with a way to express kindness to our fellow peers, and get others to also extend kindness to each other,” said Fields.
Members will perform random acts of kindness for strangers, and after that act is completed, they will sign and give that person a postcard explaining their mission. The goal is to inspire the recipient to keep the chain going and do something nice for someone else.
Logan Ray, a freshman prenursing major, is also helping Fields with the “Magical Acts of Kindness” campaign.
“I think this experience will benefit me in making friends, keeping me occupied while I’m here and just to do good for others,” said Ray, from Mansfield, Texas.
He hopes that the kindness campaign will inspire students to do at least one good deed for another.
HPA will be participating in homecoming week later this month by having a Quidditch booth where students can compete for prizes during midway day.
They also are hoping to have a float in the parade.
The Harry Potter Alliance is always accepting new members, and the next meeting is at 1 pm Oct. 21 in Sub 161.