2nd annual costume ball held in Brown Gym

Although the weather proved challenging with scattered showers and chilly fall air, students still came out to enjoy the second annual Halloween Costume Ball Thursday night in Brown Gym.
The night began at 9 p.m. and didn’t stop until the clock struck 1 a.m. with the gym being transformed into a dance hall.
This year’s event was included as a Homecoming activity because of how closely Halloween fell this year to Homecoming.
All ULM students were welcome, but those not in costumes had to pay a $5 entrance fee.
Proceeds from admission also went to the Student Government Association and Campus Activities Board, the two organizations who sponsored the ball.
Alcohol was provided for those who were old enough, and refreshments were catered by the Field House.
Many students participated in dressing for the ball this year and made for a variety of different costumes.
Nathan Hall, associate vice president of student affairs, also participated in dressing up in costume along with other faculty and staff.
The costume ball held its traditional costume contest later, and Heather Wardiaw took home first place dressed as a witch.
Wardiaw said she wanted to participate in every event she could this year since she is a senior.
With this in mind, she decided to go to the ball.
“I wanted to be something scary because I knew there was not going to be too many scary costumes. I had no intention to win when I decided to dress up,” said Wardiaw.