Who is anyone to tell anyone else who they can and cannot marry? Sure we can have an opinion on the matter.
But to blatantly say “You can’t marry that person!” is a little extreme.
Let’s say you’re completely in love with someone and y’all have a great relationship. Things are starting to get
pretty serious. The next obvious step is marriage. But no, sorry. You’re banned from doing so. Why? Because the
government said so. Or at least that’s the case in 44 of the states when it comes to same-sex marriage.
Proposition 8, California’s same-sex marriage ban, was declared unconstitutional on Tuesday when the justices concluded that the law had no purpose other than to deny gay couples marriage. California already grants
them all the rights and benefits of marriage if they register as domestic partners. It’s about time that got thrown out the window. Just 44 more states to go.
Why do so many people even bother denying samesex couples the right to marry anyway? Or give them so much grief for being who they are and living openly? It’s important for people to be unique. What kind of world would this be if we were all the same? I know I would be bored.
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people are like heterosexuals in every other aspect except for who they are attracted to. I understand where people are coming from when they oppose same-sex marriage because it’s not what they’re used to. Some may say it’s not “normal.” But what is normal, and who’s to say what is or isn’t normal?
The traditional view of marriage is a man and a woman being together. But like many other things in this nation, traditions fade and things change. Without change, women wouldn’t be able to vote or be in the workplace. Without change, we wouldn’t be celebrating Black History Month this month. The list goes on and on.
It shouldn’t matter where you are or what color, race or sex a person is. Everyone is different, and it’s our differences
that we should appreciate and learn to love in one another.
Same sex couples should have marriage rights too
February 12, 2012
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