It’s questionable what people look for in relationships these days. Everyone has different preferences. But too often lately have I seen that women are looking for a security blanket—someone to take care of them. Is it gold-digging? Or just safety? I don’t know.
I’ve had many friends over the years tell me (indirectly) they stayed in the relationship they were in because of security…which is a nice way of saying they stayed for money. I can see how money can be appealing. They might have made the money to provide for you, or they might have inherited the money.
However it has happened, it seems comfortable and nice. But if the money wasn’t there, would you still be as committed as you are? How much does the money matter in the relationship?
As an independent woman, I hate that so many women depend on men to take care of them. We are completely capable of holding our own and taking care of ourselves, especially in this day and age. We can get an education and a career of our own. We can take care of ourselves, ladies!
Why do so many women look to men to be the provider? What has love become exactly? It’s not supposed to be materialistic or dependent on anything.
Just love and let love in.