When you’re going through something tough, it’s hard to keep positive and see the light at the end of the tunnel. And, it’s just as hard to keep in mind that you’re probably not the only one.
Between school, work and personal issues with friends, family or relationships, it gets difficult to maintain your sanity while trying to keep up with everything that’s going on in your life. Balancing personal time and still getting everything accomplished can be hard, especially in these final couple of weeks before school is out.
Life is different for everyone. You seek advice from family and/or friends, and they all say they know what you’re dealing with. And honestly, they probably do, but you still feel like you’re the only one in the world dealing with issues.
You hear other people – people you love – talk about their current problems, but you can’t even focus in long enough to really hear what they are saying and realize, “Oh hey, self. They’ve got issues right now, too.”
I’ve been completely guilty of this. Sulking around, dwelling on things I probably shouldn’t be worrying about instead of focusing on what I actually need to be doing and listening to those around me who are obviously in same boat, just with different issues.
When this realization hits me, I have to take a step back and try to evaluate things from an outside perspective. “Okay, self, you can worry about that later, but what you really need to focus on right now is this assignment you have due in two days.”
Easier said than done, I know. But it would be nice to go on a hiatus for a while, come back, and have everything be how you think it should be. Granted, that’ll never happen that way because we are in charge.
We are the ones who have to take care of our responsibilities and deal with our own issues. You can fall off the face of the earth for a while, but when you come back, your issues will still be waiting for you.
Prioritize your life. Set aside certain blocks of time for certain things – either by days or by hours or both. Today, I’ll work. When I get off, I’ll work on a project for this class for two hours, then hang out with my friend for two hours, then go to bed at a decent time, etc.
Whatever you have laid out for the day, don’t let it consume you. Don’t stress out about it so much. You’re not the only one with a hectic life, and some people might have it worse.
You’re only one person. All you can do is take things as they come, one day at a time, and hope for the best.
Prioritize to make life easier
April 23, 2012