By taking an oath to be dedicated to scholarship, leadership and service, more than 60 students were inducted into the ULM chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars on Thursday night.
The NSCS is a prestigious honor society, comprised of students that showed great amounts of achievement in their first two years of college.
Established in 1994 at George Washington University, the NSCS has grown to include over 800,000 members and have chapters in over 300 colleges.
As the new members were inducted, the officers and advisors made sure that the inductees knew the responsibilities that came along with being a member of the NSCS.
“Get involved as much as you can, and learn and grow as much as you can,” said Rebecca Alberts, faculty advisor for the NSCS. “Those are the things that will make you different and make you a leader.”
Another important part of the induction ceremony was when the officers highlighted how important the three principles upon which the NSCS was founded; scholarship, leadership and service. Jameshia Below, a junior pharmacy major and president of the NSCS, said that the ULM chapter plans on being very involved in the community and on campus in the leadership and service aspects.
“We’re pretty much geared towards getting our members involved in community service,” said Below. “We plan on being very involved in this semester.”
Some of the service projects planned for this semester include working at local food banks and participating in an adopt-a-road program, but most of the focus this semester in on the P.A.C.E. project.
Ashley Boykin, a junior risk management major, is heading up the project this semester.
P.A.C.E. stands for Planning to Achieve College Excellence, and is a program centered on tutoring in local middle schools and high schools.
The program will also offer after school programs in hopes to encourage students to pursue higher education after high school.
Boykin says the program should start before the end of this semester and should be in full gear by the beginning of the upcoming spring semester.