Artificial intelligence: Wary but not worried


The word artificial intelligence has been heard in movies, newspapers, research articles and many other forms of media.
Movies show artificial intelligence through the use of robots, but AI can encompass anything from Google’s search algorithms, IBM’s Watson and the autonomous weapon.
AI is the ability of a computer program to perform a human-like action.
It is achieved when machines get cognitive skills like learning, reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making.
According to the father of AI, John McCarthy, it is “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.”
Artificial intelligence agents use computer algorithms that learn from raw data instead of the earlier input/output format.
This means that an AI program can adapt and change by putting specific pieces of information together. Inventions using AI have become more advanced with time.
No one can deny that AI has, in fact, made life easier for everyone. Various smartphone assistants such as: Siri, Google, Cortana and Alexa use AI. They are capable of hearing and understanding several different languages.
Similarly, the integration of artificial intelligence in modern-day technology has made inventions like autonomous cars, drones and even facial recognition software possible.
Crime investigators use AI software to aid with investigations and most modern transportation have some version of built in AI.
Many doctors use the clinical expert system to diagnose their patients. Advancement in AI will benefit the medical sector, for sure.
A study was done by doctors at the Children’s National Medical Centre in Washington. There, an autonomous robot performed surgery.
The team claimed that the robot did the surgery better than a human surgeon.
Such results increase the prospect of AI use in further days to come
AI is being widely utilized in the financial and economic sector as well. Banks use it to detect unauthorized use of debit cards, organize operation, avoid theft, invest in stocks and keep an eye on business.
There are many benefits to the development of AI and yet, the negative or unknown is over exaggerated by much of the public.
A common concern posed with AI technology is its potential to cause a threat to humanity.
Scientist Dr. Stephen Hawking gave a statement in which he said, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of human race.”
Entrepreneurs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, have also been quoted sharing their concerns over the advancement of AI.
Leading AI researcher, Rodney Brooks, begs to differ though.
“I think it is a mistake to be worrying about us developing malevolent AI anytime in the next few hundred years. I think the worry stems from fundamental error, not recent advances in a particular aspect of AIs and the enormity of building sentient volitional intelligence,” Brooks said.
I have to agree with researcher Brooks.
AI does not mean computer machines are going to go evil and try to destroy the human race.
They are just programmed to have cognitive skills, not superior emotions.
AI technology doesn’t have a brain that can evolve and grow biologically like humans. They will not envy the human race. Advanced AI is not about malevolence but competence. A super-intelligent AI will be good at accomplishing its goal but will not care about the consequences that follow its action.
The single major concern with AI is to align its goal with ours. It should be ensured that AI has the same goals and ethics as humans during the early developmental phase.
Focus should be shifted to AI safety research. Many scientists and entrepreneurs are united in researching this field.
In January 2015, Elon Musk donated ten million dollars to the Future of Life Institute (FLI) to fund research on AI decision-making.
This study will help researchers understand AI technology better and any uncertainties found can be adjusted for. The application of AI will continue to benefit the human race if researched properly.
Humans have always strived for a better world and with the help of artificial intelligence, they will continue to flourish in the future to come.