Facebook is not always helpful

Facebook is not always helpful

Facebook is one of the most preferred social networking sites. People are fond of it, maybe too fond. Facebook can be tremendously addicting.
This addiction is good to some extent as social media sites can be the best form of communication. However, the harmful sides of Facebook cannot be neglected.
Facebook has had a huge influence over young teenagers. Many teenagers tend to browse Facebook every 15 to 20 minutes, which causes distractions. This can directly hamper studying habits as well as mental health.
For example, as soon as a student tries to get focused on their studies, they suddenly remember the status that they posted yesterday.
They start thinking about how many likes they might have gotten or who might have commented on the post. Even though people know it’s a waste of time, they have to check it.
Frequent Facebook users seem to be more mentally affected by social media than others.
Facebook can make people depressed and frustrated because they don’t have the same things other people do.
In my opinion, Facebook is a boastful app. It can lead people to envy their friend’s success, resulting in aggression.
It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others. We find ourselves not as happy and successful as others are, which can diminish confidence levels.
Another issue with being on Facebook all the time is that users have no real social life. These people develop introverted habits.
They would rather scroll down their newsfeed for the 20th time than go out and interact with others.
Facebook has replaced true human connection to some extent.
We can also see around us how Facebook has degraded the social life of people.
Let me paint a picture for you. Friends, who were separated for years, decide to meet. However, they are so obsessed with their public image on social media that both friends lose the opportunity to really engage with one another.
The friends just take pictures to post on Facebook, so that people can comment and talk about how great they are.
Cyberbullying is a serious problem on Facebook today. People who consider themselves trolls make fun of others for amusement. This activity of hurting and belittling others is trending on the social media site.
Some people may not be as pretty you are, but that doesn’t mean you can bash those people over issues they are more than likely self-conscious about.
Isn’t it crazy that people still post rude things like, “Mention the person who is as ugly as this photo?”
This may seem funny or harmless to some. However, did those people ever think of how the person that they are laughing at might feel?
This is the kind of experience Facebook has been promoting for a long time, and yes, these things can cause serious problems to the psyche if not fixed.