Should we pack up, colonize Mars? Yes

Earth is the only home humans have ever known. Our survival as a species on this very tiny dot, in the vacuum of space is tough and, by no means, guaranteed.

To ensure the survival of human species, the colonization of Mars can be a remarkable step in the history of humanity.

Humanity’s aspirations to explore space are what drive man towards more advanced technological innovations that will undoubtedly benefit mankind in one way or another.

More information about the Earth’s geology and climate will be found, and many environmental problems could be solved if traveling to Mars becomes possible.

The successful launch of the Mars mission could lead to travel between planets and could reveal hundreds of unanswered questions about the universe.

The technological advancements achieved from the Apollo missions are CT scans, freeze dried food, integrated circuits and over 6,000 other technologies.

The same type of discoveries could happen under a Mars mission. The research scientists are involved in because of the Mars exploration may lead to the discovery of more lifesaving devices and ingenious technologies.

Also, this mission could unlock advancements in areas such as recycling, food production, medical technology and solar energy.

Mars has numerous elements that could be utilized to support and expand the human exploration of Mars and beyond. There is a good chance that those minerals will be helpful in building the space utopia.

The idea to colonize Mars can be a source of motivation and inspiration for the upcoming generation. They can even extend the bound of this achievement to the highest limit. The future generations will have so much more information to draw on that will help to tackle complex ideals like space travel.

The situation when Earth can no longer hold the increasingly large population could occur. We have over seven billion people on the planet at the moment, and the number is steadily rising.

If that happens, we will need another planet and Mars just might be the perfect place to move the human civilization.