SUB Ballrooms to be renamed the ‘Hangar’

ULM Hawkeye

Here are the highlights from the last few SGA meetings. Senators discussed the potential name change of the Student Union Building (SUB) Ballrooms.

It was brought to the senator’s attention that Student Life and Leadership wanted to change the name of the SUB to the “Hangar,” to commemorate the P40 aspect of ULM’s history.

This would help for branding purposes of ULM and give the ballrooms its own identity, making it more recognizable. The vote to change the name passed. During the Oct. 2 meeting, senators discussed Parent’s Day, “Let’s talk Warhawks” and potential Halloween Ball ideas. This year’s Parent’s Day will be held Saturday, Nov. 3. It’s on the same day as the ULM vs Georgia State game. Tickets for this annual event will be $12 and t-shirt designs for the for the event are in workings.

Another “Let’s Talk Warhawks” will be held this week. Senators will ask students their opinions in regards to the disposal of May semester classes.

Lastly, the annual Halloween Ball will be held on Tuesday Oct. 30.