Warhawk Women call out students for Football 101


Warhawk Women hosted Football 101 on Monday. The event was specifically targeted for female students who wanted to know more about football. However, the event was open to male students too.

There were about 50 attendees, most of whom were female. During the program, ULM’s Head Football Coach, Matt Viator went through all the things important in a football game. He provided the beginner’s guide of football to the students. Viator walked through the touch downs, rules of the games and official football signals.

The attendees were offered also free food and gift card sponsored by Dairy Queen.

“The event was really informational. Coach did a very good job in explaining some things about football that I thought I knew, but I did not. It will help me while cheering on the sidelines for the players, especially now that I know why I am cheering and what to expect next in the game,” said Jenni Dupree, a kinesiology major and cheerleader.

ULM’s Athletic Director, Scott McDonald, and his wife Leazel McDonald, who is also the leader of Warhawk Women, and officials from Student Life and Leadership.

“I liked the event. Though I am a non-athlete, it was beneficial for me. Now I can understand the game better when I go to watch games with my friends,” said Kaylin Walter, a nursing major.

This is the second event hosted by Warhawk Women regarding football. They conducted a similar event on August which was exclusively for the women in the community.

Warhawk Women is a group of influencers with the goal of enhancing student athlete welfare through various activities and events held throughout the year.

“Warhawk Women is a newly formed organization. We are here to enhance the experience of student athletes so that they can be successful out in the playing field while they are defending the nest,” Leazel McDonald said. She also called for all students to attend their events and help to “nurture the nest,” which is the goal of Warhawk Women.

The event was concluded with a disclosure of upcoming events. Warhawk Women will conduct Basketball 101 for all students on Oct. 30. The event will be an informative session on basketball by the women’s basketball coach and the men’s basketball coach. Students will also have a softball and baseball informational event for which dates are not set yet.