Cindy Ho, Phillip Vu-Nguyen add to list of royalties

The 2018 homecoming court has welcomed Cindy Ho and Phillip Vu-Nguyen as the king and queen. Vu-Nguyen is a senior health studies marketing and management major. He is also the vice president of the Campus Activities Board. Ho is a senior biology major and the vice president of the Student Government Association.

How does it feel to be elected to the Homecoming Court?

Cindy Ho- “It’s so amazing, like all the support we’ve got from our friends and everyone that’s been helping us get to this point. It just feels great. The best part of being crowned today was getting all dressed up and just having all my friends and family come support us.

Vu-Nguyen- “It is a dream come true. I never really thought I would be where I am right now. It’s all thanks to the people that supported me and the organizations that helped me grow to be who I am. Just seeing all my friends and family come out and cheer for us feels great.”

What has been your favorite memory as a Warhawk?

Nguyen- “My favorite memory is probably going to all the different sport games and cheering on all our teams. Also, going to CAB events and seeing the smiles on the students’ faces was always a favorite.
How much work went into winning the homecoming court elections?

Ho- “Both me and Phillip put a lot of effort into winning this. We both wanted to do something different, that has not been done before. Never in like a million years did we think we would be in some sort of position like this. We wanted to try our best and here we are now.”

What are you most looking forward to as the new homecoming king and queen?

Vu-Nguyen- “I’m just looking forward to doing more good things for ULM. Even though I hold this crown, I am still willing to put more effort in for ULM and give back as much as I can.

Ho- “ULM has been a home to me. I want to be able to represent ULM as much as I can. This is just another way I can do that.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

Vu-Nguyen- “I’m planning to either apply to occupational therapy school or work for a hospital with a good charity foundation. One of my favorite philanthropy organizations is the Children Miracle Network and St. Jude. I really enjoy working with children.