War with Russia should be avoided


Swikrit Bhattarai

The long-standing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is reaching a boiling point. 

To avoid war, Russia and the U.S. must continue diplomatic talks until Russia removes its troops from the Ukrainian border. 

According to U.S. News, the dispute between Russia and Ukraine started after anti-Russian presidents in Ukraine sought an alliance with NATO. 

Russia does not want Western troops at its closest border and would like Ukraine to join other communist countries. Russia should allow Ukraine to join NATO if they wish. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin are carrying dangerous rhetoric that could lead to another world war.

According to CNN, Ukraine has warned the U.S. that Russia is planting pro-communist propaganda in Ukraine to destabilize the country ahead of any planned military invasion.

Ukraine has felt an increased threat from Russia ever since 2014 when the annexation of Crimea took place. 

It was slammed as an illegitimate step by Ukraine and the U.S. Similar tactics used in Crimea are used against Ukraine, according to the New York Times. 

These countries should opt for a safer, diplomatic talk. There should be a mutual political understanding between the U.S. and Russia rather than engaging in war.

Speaking at a press conference, the NATO Secretary General stated that Russia will have a high price to pay for its actions. 

He added that economic sanctions, financial sanctions and political restrictions are options to keep war at bay. 

But Russia doesn’t seem to be troubled by these statements and plans to deploy more troops if needed. 

The Wall Strret Journal reports that President Putin has kept a hard stance against the West, voicing that he will not pull his troops back until the West gives up its defensive line.

War is not a viable option. We have read the history of the world wars.    We all know the severity of sorrow and death that will encompass the entire world if the U.S. and Russia go to war.

 Entire countries could be fatally destroyed both economically and physically.

The entire world witnessed the magnitude of a decades-long war between the Taliban and the U.S. in Afghanistan. 

The situation in Kabul shed tears on millions of eyes. If the U.S. and Russia are not careful, an event like this could soon occur in Ukraine.