Simple majority rule hurts democracy

Carley Nail

Nothing ever gets done on Capitol Hill. I am sure we have all heard that one before. A big reason for this is the Senate tradition of the filibuster. 

A filibuster is a speech that obstructs a legislative meeting. Filibusters can occur over many hours, as the person is allowed to speak until they have to pee or eat.  

But this does not stop senators from threatening to filibuster. Due to changes in the law, this political drama is rarely seen, but bills are consistently held up in the voting process. 

If you are going to filibuster a bill, you should have to back up your words and talk the talk. Senators should not be allowed to hold up the congressional process without debating for as long as you can take it. 

Currently, if a Senate member states they will filibuster, the law can be thrown out to avoid being held back from voting on other laws. This should be changed.

According to USA Today, in order to stop a filibuster, the Senate must reach a 3/5 vote or 60 out of 100 members. 

This is called a super majority.  But many believe that it should be moved to a simple majority, which means that the number of votes to stop a filibuster is only 51 of the 100 members in the Senate.

The amount of votes should remain at 60. According to CNN, the Senate is split 50/50 right now between the Democratic and Republican parties, so it is not odd for there to be ties when voting on laws. 

If the number of votes is switched to a simple majority and there is a tie on a law, the vice president votes to break the tie. We currently have a Democratic vice president. This means that it will be easier for Democratic laws or bills to be passed.

And this switched to where the Republicans have the majority, then it would be easier for them to pass laws without the consideration of Democrats. 

With the current supermajority rule, it is more difficult to pass laws because more members from the other party have to switch on the vote. But it is fair and makes the voting process more equal. It requires that the party in the majority consult with the party in the minority before passing a bill.

I agree with the Voting Rights Bill that Democrats are trying to pass. States should not have the ability to suppress voters just because their candidate did not win. But if Democrats want the bill to pass, they need to reach across the aisle and get the 60 votes needed to pass the law.