Not-so-average flowers to give on Valentine’s


Carley Nail

Pink Carnations

Pink carnations are a perfect gift to anyone you love on Valentine’s Day.  They have a splash of color, but it is not overwhelming. This flower represents fascination and admiration. And they are common, so it should be easy to find them this February.



These elegant white flowers are a great way to show someone you care for them.  Gardenias represent joy and deep love. They also smell amazing. Gardenias may seem like a simple flower, but they add an element of sophistication. 



Forget-Me-Nots are given to someone in hopes that they will never forget the person that gave them the flowers.  They represent true love, and their blue color is unique.  Your significant other won’t forget about you once you give them these lovely flowers.



No matter what color — red, pink, purple or  white— tulips are a crowd favorite.  Each color represents a different trait, but all tulips hold simplistic beauty. While you usually see tulips later in the spring, they are an excellent choice to give someone this Valentine’s Day.



Daisies are pretty little flowers that every girl loves.  Daisies are a reminder of happiness, joy and new beginnings. These flowers are an ideal gift for that special someone in your life.  You should be able to find daisies at any flower shop.