Mental healthcare needs to be accessible

Hanna Flynn

In a generation focused on self-love and social connections, it seems strange that depression and suicide rates are not lower. 

Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the U.S., with over 45,900 people committing suicide every year, according to the CDC. 

These outrageous statistics show that the U.S. healthcare system is not adapted enough to combat mental health issues. 

With the increase in mental illness and alarming suicide rates in the U.S., we need broader access to quality mental health treatments, substance abuse counseling and trauma therapy.  

People with mental illness might not seek treatment because they lack access to good health insurance, according to clinical psychologist Arthur C. Evans Jr.

Mental healthcare is often not considered relevant to many forms of insurance, healthcare coverages and companies. Therapy and mental health treatments have increased drastically in price in recent years. Coverage of quality mental healthcare services is difficult to find. 

Far too many operating healthcare providers do not accept insurance because the insurance providers are not offering them enough for their services.  

If mental healthcare was more affordable, insurance would not always be necessary for everyone to have this access.   

Insurance companies are most likely to match their customers with the lowest charging mental health services. This puts many people seeking care in the hands of the lower quality providers.

The most sought out mental healthcare providers are being used by people who can pay for their care out of pocket.  

Instead of seeking actual healthcare, young adults look to social media for educational resources. They learn tips and tricks, fashion advice, cooking skills and much more from their phones.  

It only makes sense to also learn about mental health from these sites. Although these sites provide a plethora of information on mental health, a mentally ill individual should not have to only rely on this kind of care.

It is crucial to educate these individuals properly. Suicide and depression should not be glorified on the internet, nor should it be ignored and overlooked in society.  

These serious cases of mental illness need to be addressed with urgency and proper support. 

Access to therapy can help people learn to cope with their depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. This access needs to start with a change in the healthcare system and a step toward making this type of care affordable for all who need it.