Workers will benefit from a 3-day work week

Cameron Jett

Look, I respect everyone who

works most of their week to make

ends meet. It doesn’t matter if that’s

in the service industry or anywhere

else. You have to put food on the

table, and some people have to

work five or more days straight to

make that happen.

At least, that’s what I thought.

Enter Justin Lindsey. He’s

a manager at Chick-Fil-A in

Kendall, Florida who introduced a

revolutionary idea to the food and

service industries.

Work your tail off for three days a

week to get your 40 hours, and then

enjoy your life for the other four


It’s no secret that most people hate

having to clock into work. If money

weren’t an obstacle, we all would be

living differently. But we need that


If I’m able to get the same hours

in fewer days, I’m taking that

opportunity every chance I get.

Don’t believe me? Look at my

class schedule. For the past four

semesters, I’ve dodged the three-aweek

classes for two-day classes.

Working 12 hour days is much

more demanding than the usual

eight or 10 hour shifts. But if I’m

already clocked in at 9 a.m., I’ll

happily pile on a few more hours a

day if it means I don’t have to come

to work for over half the week.

Many people agree. In an interview

with Business Insider last week,

Lindsey said that he received over

400 applications for one opening

when word got out about his plan to

change the work week.

Working longer shifts on fewer

days creates fewer headaches for

workers and management alike.

There’s no more confusion about

what the morning crew did after

they left. There’s no fear of being

bogged down with an unexpected

rush around a shift change. You’ve

got your team for the entire day.

This method, unfortunately,

won’t translate well to all fields

and professions, but Lindsey’s idea

should become standard in many

low-skill jobs.